Meet Sharon

Hi there,

My passion is to help men and women going through a significant transition period in their lives. They could be facing an empty nest, considering or making a major career change, dealing with an evolving relationship, stepping into a readymade family or simply feeling scared about an unknown future.

How did I get started doing this work?

A few years ago, I went through my own transition. After being a stay-at-home mom and volunteer queen for 15 years, my life changed when my baby left for college. With the “hands on” parenting chapter of my life quickly closing, I looked to the future with both trepidation and anticipation, only to see that the next page was completely blank. I could not believe it - I had no idea what I wanted to do with the rest of my life!  And we had tuition payments to make!! Yikes!

"The countdown to success always starts when you make up your mind to take one step forward."

So, the search began. Should I go back to my previous career? I could, I liked it fine; but I didn’t feel jazzed about it.  I started some soul searching about what “called me” – one of the things I loved was helping people figure things out. And then one dark and stormy night (no not really), I started searching coaching programs.  Found a great one and founded A Step Forward Coaching to be the support for people invested in making a change.  It was the best decision I ever made.

I am a Certified Professional Coach (CPC), trained at the prestigious Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). I am also trained as an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner.

When I am not working with clients to help them design their dream futures, I can be found designing a new knitting project, cooking something delicious in the kitchen, enjoying the outdoors with Emma, the wonder dog and spending quality time with those closest to me.

Praise for Sharon

"After more than 20 years practicing medicine, I felt it was time for a change and began looking for a position in the pharmaceutical industry. I was asked to interview at a large international CRO but had not interviewed for a job outside of clinical medicine since college.

That’s where Sharon Weisner came in. I sought out her coaching skills to assist me in navigating this new uncharted territory. Sharon was absolutely terrific. She helped me understand how to approach the interview and think about my own strengths and potential weaknesses throughout the entire process. After I had been offered the position, she assisted me in understanding the rather stressful salary negotiations. I am pleased to report that, thanks to her guidance and help, I was able to obtain the great majority of what I had sought in salary and benefits for the job.

I highly recommend Ms. Weisner to anyone contemplating or involved with a career transition or navigating through a new career situation. Thanks Sharon. Well done!"

Steven G.

"In March 2014, I scheduled several coaching sessions by phone with Sharon Weisner. She assisted me in examining issues that were holding me back from making plans to return to the workplace; and guided my brainstorming about a couple of options related to teaching, such as ESL and Teach Abroad programs, where I could learn and travel while developing skills and making money. I left excited to research more on these possibilities, or others, that I could imagine myself doing. Sharon’s coaching is clear in how she structures and frames each session, finding ways to investigate ideas in positive ways. She also has the personal ability and temperament to take on sometimes emotionally charged issues with insight and perspective, giving hope and confidence to those she coaches."

Erin M.